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    Your location is: ProductsPower station valveElectric Main Steam Trap

    Electric Main Steam Trap

    Product details

    The main steam gate valve of the power station is also called the special valve of the power station. The gate valve of the pound-class high-temperature and high-pressure power station is suitable for cutting or connecting the medium in the pipeline of petroleum, chemical industry, thermal power station and other working conditions with the operating temperature of -29 ~ 570 ° C.Applicable medium: water, oil, steam, etc.Operation mode: manual, gear transmission, electric, etc.

    Product model: Z961Y
    Nominal diameter: NPS2"~22"
    Nominal pressure: Class1500~3500Lb
    Driving mode: manual, gear, electric
    Applicable medium: water, oil, steam
    Design and manufacture standard: ASME B16.34 E101
    Structural length standard: ASME B16.34 E101
    Welding connection size: JB/T 3595-93, ASME B16.25
    Pressure and temperature class: ASME B16.34 E101
    Test standard: API598 E101
